Turning Innovation Into Benefits

Part 3 of 4 in a series about putting genuine innovation to work

Committed to genuine innovation and applying key innovations, ActionCue® Clinical Intelligence offers a range of benefits that become apparent immediately or shortly after implementation. According to users:

  • ActionCue is up and running very quickly. Unlike the majority of solutions with the same operational breadth, ActionCue is ready to begin the implementation process in about 48 hours.  In several of our customer sites, users jumped in and created Event Reports – without any training – in the first few days.  Customers are using the application productively and obtaining reports within 30 days and are generally fully up to speed in 60 days.
  • There are big productivity changes. Clinical managers in Quality, Safety, Nursing, Performance Improvement and other roles are able to refocus 20 to 30 percent of their work week, time that had been spent on less efficient tasks, onto more productive things. The ActionCue application handles so much of the work that used to be done by humans: Calculating and moving data; automatically preparing reports; making additions and modification to performance measures from regulatory and academic authorities; and enabling the management and flow of information.
  • Humans can do what they do best. With ActionCue doing what software does best, time can be spent by staff on reviewing and thinking about the accumulated knowledge presented by the application. This really moves the needle on quality and safety as the organization learns through collaboration and communication facilitated by ActionCue.
  • A lot of time is saved during managerial and executive review. ActionCue presents actionable insight rather than grids of numbers. This leads to shorter meetings of Quality Council, Medical Staff and Governing Board because attendees can quickly see exactly what the application presents as critically performing measures as well as what is being done to improve through performance improvement action plans.

The benefits facilitated by the key innovations in ActionCue show up quickly, and perhaps more important, they don’t fade away. These immediate benefits also set the stage for significant longer-term strategic benefits that in turn help make a big and permanent change to quality, safety and performance improvement.



Part 1: Genuine Innovations

Part 2: The key innovations that make ActionCue effective, efficient and easy.

Part 4The Strategic Benefit of Genuine Innovation



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About the Author Faris Islam

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