
Welcome to ActionCue CI

Immediate answers on information critical to improving patient safety, quality of care and to reducing hospital operating costs.

Why ActionCue CI?

Because it is so easy to use. Often, the simplest solutions to a problem are the hardest to find. Historically, risk, quality and performance improvement have been mutually exclusive tasks within healthcare organizations. As such, the shared benefit of combining them has been, until now, lost. ActionCue Clinical Intelligence fixes this issue, with an easiest-to-use, yet advanced, collaborative online software.

The Dashboard

Fast, informative insight into healthcare organization performance.

Performance Tracking

Tools like the Influenza Vaccination Screening Compliance entry form are just one part of what makes ActionCue CI so powerful.

PI Action Plan

Eliminate the paper clutter and inefficient tracking systems with a fully collaborative event reporting system.

Develop a “Culture of Quality”

Communication between healthcare staff is critical to improving patient care, reducing hospital operating costs and ultimately to making the job of running a hospital easier. The ActionCue CI software is, at its core, a cooperative tool — allowing teams to more easily improve organization performance.

We’re excited about what we do here at Prista

It’s because we know we are making a real difference. Not only by helping to improve care for patients, but by making the job of caring for those patients easier and more enjoyable for the healthcare staff. Fill out this form and a Product Specialist will be in touch to schedule a brief walk-through.


Are you ready to deliver better patient care? Get Started Today!
